It’s Time To Send Wrestlemania Back To One Night
Another Wrestlemania has come and gone, while some fans are disappointed in the results from the show some are wondering if there’s a still a need for two nights of Wrestlemania. It does seem in the time that Wrestlemania has gone over two nights that only the one night has been of high quality, while the other night has been below par.
The other problem that has arisen from the additional night of Wrestlemania has been the additional fillers that have not just been matches, but advertising, performances and things that have made Wrestlemania drag on. The spectacular that Wrestlemania has slowly been wasted down with the WWE to their credit trying to get more of their roster on TV for their Wrestlemania moments, but it’s also coming at a cost.
For this Wrestlemania there was far too much filler, there were matches that even some competitors seemed to not even want to show much care for which was evident in the women’s Showcase match. The men’s showcase match was another case of no one really paying any attention even with Ricochet doing some high spots.
The Brock Lesnar/Omos match was a non-event, was over before anyone really knew it was going and no one seemingly cared from the beginning to the end of that match. That match though was thrown together with another filler match that the WWE wanted didn’t go over well with Brock Lesnar so they moved on. Also with Bray Wyatt unavailable it also removed the possibility of seeing Bobby Lashley in a filler match.
Wrestlemania doesn’t need two nights of wrestling, throw on an NXT event for the fans and throw together just one big Wrestlemania card that hasn’t got so many filler matches that gives everyone a Wrestlemania spot. Sadly not everyone can have a Wrestlemania spot, nor does everyone at the time deserve one. The event should be left to the main title feuds, and storylines that the WWE have going on and not a ton of filler matches that no one is going to remember, pay attention to, or even remotely care about in the long run.
Admittedly Wrestlemania has always had their fair share of filler matches, granted, but the additional night of Wrestlemania dilates the event and leaves the WWE scrambling to make both nights a success product wise. Since it’s inception the Two Night Wrestlemania hasn’t ever had two blockbuster nights, it’s either been night one or night two that has shown promise or a little of them both.
The solution would be for the WWE to bring back the one solid night of Wrestlemania, it’ll help the build up and the execution of storylines, and the overall product of the show. Though some fans may never be satisitifed in watching the WWE’s showcase event Wrestlemania but one less night would be the preferrable option.
A lot of fans have judged the quality of this years Wrestlemania on the results, though the results weren’t the overall problem with this years Wrestlemania, there was just far too much useless stuff going on that just dragged on Wrestlemania and sucked some of the magic out of the event.
Presently it’s unclear what the WWE has planned for the next Wrestlemania event, but it would be good for the WWE to consider the removal of the two night format and bring back just a single event for Wrestlemania.
News Writer. Living in Tasmania Dave is a lifelong wrestling fan, formerly working for Mix It Up Radio’s Wrestling Asylum Radio program, and Wide Bay Pro Wrestling working backstage and writing articles. Podcaster with 15 years of journalism experience across different sports mostly AFL and professional wrestling, photographer for local footy in Tasmania.