
Pro Wrestling Downunder provides monthly updated champions listing from some of the top promotions around the country. We also list on this page any Australians overseas currently holding notable titles in major promotions.

(Updated December 17, 2023)


WWE Women’s World Champion: (SA) Rhea Ripley


AEW Women’s World Champion: (QLD) Toni Storm


(WA) EPW Heavyweight Champion: Taylor King (Michael Morleone, Julian Ward)

EPW Coastal Champion: Bruno Nitro (Chris Target, Bruno Nitro)

EPW Tag Team Champions: Lucas Fantasia & Mikey Broderick

EPW Pride Champion: Ryan Rivers

(SA) RCW Heavyweight Champion: DELTA (Cadie Tre, Matt Hayter)

RCW Emerald Crown: Dean Brady (Redshaw, Jett Armstrong)

RCW Womens Champion: DELTA (Miki Fortune, Amber, Savannah Summers)

RCW Tag Team Champions: Chris Basso & Cutthroat (Barren & Einar The Strange)

(SA) WR Australian Champion: Tommy Knight (previous Corndog)

WR Australian Tag Team Champions: Joey Graham & PunchDrunk Istria (Amber & Robby Heart)

(VIC) MCW Heavyweight Champion: Buddy Matthews (previous Mitch Waterman)

MCW Womens Champion: DELTA (Jarvis, DELTA)

MCW Intercommonwealth Champion: DELTA (Jarvis, Emman Azman)

MCW Tag Team Champions: The Parea (previous Slex & Tommy Knight)

(VIC) BCW Heavyweight Champion: Mick Moretti

BCW Battle Express Champion: Sean Preston

BCW Tag Team Champions: Levi Nixon & Sam Yannis (The Parea, Steve Filip & Tome Filip)

BCW Women’s Champion: Caity Luxe (previous Vixsin)

ROW Champion: Caveman Ugg (previous Rat Daddy)

ROW Women’s Champion: Aysha

ROW Tag Team Champions: The Veolocities

(NSW) PWA Champion: Jessica Troy (Ricky South)

PWA Tag Team Champions: The Joker And The Thief (Mick Moretti & Jimmy Townsend) (previous Jude London & Paris De Silva)

PWA Soul: The Tuckman (Unsocial Jordan)

(ACT) SLAM Heavyweight Champion: Luke Watts (previous Mikey Broderick)

SLAM Tag Team Champions: The VeloCities (previous Steve Filip & Tome Filip)

SLAM Women’s Champion: Kingsley

WSW Heavyweight: Matt Cardona (previous Johnny Downunder)

WSW Tag Team Champions: Erik Rowan & Matt Basso (previous Brian Cage & Flip Gordon

WSW Women’s Champion: Steph De Lander (previous Jordynne Grace)

WSW Australian Champion: TJP

OPW Heavyweight: Adam Brooks

OPW Women’s Champion: Erika Reid

OPW Tag Team: The Parea