Dylan Daniels

Dylan Daniels
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Manager (2015 - 2017), Play-by-Play Commentator (2015 - 2016), Tag Team Wrestler (2017 - today), Singles Wrestler (2018 - today)
Trained By:
Leigh Barber
Trademark Moves:
Crucifix Pin, Flying Crossbody, Headscissors Takedown, Hulk-Up Punches, Combo Breaker (Rock Bottom)
In Ring Achievements:
TCW North Esk Championship (TAS) (Australia)
Home Promotion:
TCW (TAS) (Australia)
Short Bio:
Dylan Daniels is trained by Australian Pro Wrestling Great Leigh Barber (Jethro, Diablo) who is the founder of Tasmania's Tasmanian Championship Wrestling (TCW).

Dylan Daniels started off as A Manager (2015 - 2017), A Play-by-Play Commentator (2015 - 2016) after that he became A Tag Team Wrestler (2017 - today), Singles Wrestler (2018 - today).

Dylan Daniels is known as "The Charismatic",
"The Weet-Bix Kid", "Vs. The World".

Dylan Daniels held the TCW North Esk Championship for 364 days in Tasmanian Championship Wrestling (TCW).

Dylan Daniels also works behind the scenes of Tasmanian Championship Wrestling (TCW) as Booker (2018 - today), Promoter (2018 - today) of TCW with Eddie Jones.

Dylan Daniels is a man of many talents a real asset to Tasmanian Championship Wrestling (TCW).

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