Vale Don West 1963-2022

Professional Wrestling has lost another significant figure, this time from the commentary desk.
After a year long battle with brain lymphoma, former TNA Commentator Don West passed away on December 30th at the age of 59.
West dedicated 15 years to wrestling starting in 2002 when Jeff Jarrett offered him a spot at the desk alongside fellow TNA stalwart Mike Tenay and former WCW and WWE writer Ed Ferrara. After Ferrara’s departure, West and Tenay became the main voices of TNA until 2009, when West was replaced with Taz.
We here at Pro Wrestling Downunder share our sympathies with the surviving family members and friends of Mr. West. Rest In Peace Don.
News Writer. Based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Lifelong fan, admirer of the old school, born in the new age. Storytelling is a big passion of mine and professional wrestling itself is just one giant book. Naturally, it drew me in and has kept me close since before I could walk, talk and drop an elbow on my teddy bear!