All Elite Weekly 27/1/25 – 02/2/25

Welcome once again to another edition of the All Elite Weekly originating from my brain to your eyes. This week we saw Jeff Jarrett try to earn his shot at facing Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship as well as the TBS Championship being defended on Dynamite. Collision brought us some violence with a Mid-South Street Fight between FTR and the Death Riders. Let’s get into the action.
We are in the Propst Arena at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on commentary and were kicking this one off with a big singles match.
Will Ospreay vs Brian Cage
Before the match can officially start, we see that Kenny Omega has been attacked backstage. Ospreay is being set up week after week to be taken out by the DCF and each week he delivers quality matches right at the start of the show. Cage is no push over for Ospreay and has a mission to complete. Callis and Archer throw their weight around and get involved while Cage manages to keep the ref distracted. We get a Styles Clash from Ospreay for the win.
Winner – Will Ospreay
Jeff Jarrett vs Claudio Castagnoli – If Jeff wins, he will get a World Championship match in the future
Jeff Jarrett is in 2025 going for a World Championship is wild and I never thought I would say that. Claudio is a machine in the ring and definitely the “hired mercenary” vibe is something that fits him well. Jarrett tries his best to go toe to toe with Claudio, but it is to no avail. Yuta and Moxley get involved before the end of the match and Claudio hits 2 Neutralizers for the three count.
Winner – Claudio Castagnoli
AR Fox vs Ricochet
Fox is a highly underrated dude in the ring. He has some great skills and deserves to be on our screens regularly. It is brought up that in this match, if Swerve gets involved then the match for the Feb 5th edition of Dynamite is off. This one is not an easy one for Ricochet to get through as Fox is definitely stylistically a great match. Ricochet hits the Spirit Gun and Vertigo on Fox and scores the win
Winner – Ricochet
Jay White vs Wheeler Yuta
White and Yuta have some unfinished business to try and settle in this one. The fight does not stay in the ring as the two men continue to brawl on the outside. White focuses on Yuta’s legs a lot throughout the fight. Yuta hits an Arm Locked Olympic Slam for only a two count. Yuta attempts to line up for the Basiku Knee only for White to catch him in the Blade Runner for the win
Winner – Jay White
AEW TBS Championship – Mercedes Mone vs Yuka Sakazaki
Yuka earned this match after winning a Fatal Fourway on the previous Collision. We get a really good match out of Mercedes here even if it is a forgone conclusion that she would walk out the winner. There were a couple of spots that didn’t quite land properly, but it didn’t take away from the match. Mercedes scored the win with the Mone Maker.
Winner – Mercedes Mone
This show felt slightly strange in my opinion. While the in-ring stuff was great, some of the segments felt like they were slightly disjointed. Also, I have a gripe to pick with AEW at the moment and it is exactly what I called WWE out for when they did it to. Stop with the constant interference or attacks after the matches. If you use it sparingly, it will work. When you use it every single segment, it ruins the show and takes people out of it. Not everything needs to end with a beatdown.
Once again, we are at the Probst Arena at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama!
Hook / Samoa Joe vs The Patriarchy
Shoulder block by Wayne to start. T-Bone suplex by Hook and a tag to Samoa Joe. Wayne escapes to tag Sabian who gets muscled around the corner. Sabian goes to the eyes and connects with an enziguiri. Joe walks away from a dropkick and crushes him with a senton. Tag to Hook and Wayne trips him up from the outside as Sabian Perfect Plexs him. Two count. Quick tags now between Patriarchy members as Hook is in trouble in the corner. Manhattan drop and a diving back elbow combo by Sabian and Wayne for two. Desperation exploder by Hook and a tag to Joe. Joe clears the ring and chops Sabian in the corner. JOANAGE to Sabian! Muscle Buster! One, two, three.
Winners – Hook / Samoa Joe
Adam Priest vs The Beast Mortos
Discus lariat. Destination Hellhole. Finito. Nice and simple destruction from Mortos
Winner – The Beast Mortos
Max Caster Open Challenge – Max Caster vs Rush
Caster last week issued an open challenge to anyone and tonight we get the return of Rush to answer the call. Superman punch by Rush. Rush pounds on Caster in the corner. Avalanche in the corner. Rush runs on the face of Caster. Bull’s Horns. This one is over, too.
Winner – Rush
The OutRunners vs The Learning Tree
Magnum with some clotheslines early and a series of atomic drops by The OutRunners. Double hip toss to Jericho and a double back body drop. Commercial. Back from break and Floyd is bodyslamming everyone, including Magnum, on top of Keith. Double elbow drop attempt but Keith cuts off Floyd with a running elbow. Jericho tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho, and does. Floyd eventually fights out and tags Magnum, who suplexes both guys. DOUBLE BIONIC ELBOW DROP. OutRunners look for Total Recall but Bill pulls Magnum out of the ring behind the referee’s back and Keith rolls up Floyd for the win.
Winners – The Learning Tree
Taya Valkyrie vs Harley Cameron
Taya blasts Harley with a dropkick to start and a pair of running knees in the corner. Taya sends Cameron to the outside but she comes back with a high kick and an enziguiri for two. Cameron tries a 619 bit Taya blocks it and counters with a running sliding German suplex as we hit the commercials. Back from break and Taya walks out of the corner with a powerbomb. Two count. Double underhook by Taya but Cameron escapes and hits a Destroyer! Two count. Cameron goes up top and misses a Swanton. Spear (kind of) by Taya but Cameron traps the arms and crucifixes Taya for the win!
Winner – Harley Cameron
AEW TNT Championship – Daniel Garcia (c) vs Kyle O’Reilly vs Lee Moriarty
Lee rolls Garcia up but that allows Kyle to grab an ankle lock. Lee escapes and grabs a knee of his own as Garcia grabs an arm and Kyle escapes right away. Lee back body drops Garcia over the top and to the floor as we go to commercial. We’re back and Lee has a kimura on Garcia. Soulfood and a Complete Shot combo by Lee to both guys. Wrist control by Lee as he lays in round kicks to both guys. Kyle and Garcia make it to their feet and lay in roundhouse kicks and chops. Kitchen sink by Kyle and a low dropkick by Garcia. Elbow fest in the ring as Kyle and Garcia now focus on each other. Saito by Garcia. High knee by Kyle but a German suplex by Lee. Axe and Smash by Kyle. Three-way pump kicks and everyone is down. Garcia with some mounted punches in the corner to both Kyle and Lee. Double clothesline by Danny and a swinging neck breaker to Kyle. Hammerlock neck breaker to Danny by Lee gets two. Double leg by Garcia and the Dragon Tamer is locked in! Garcia pulls back but Kyle is there to break it up and trap him in an armbar. Moriarty tries to break it up, but Kyle grabs the leg and snatches a straight ankle lock. Kyle tries Axe and Smash, but Lee rolls him up for two. Garcia rolls up Lee but gets shrugged off, right into the right hand of Shane Taylo! Roll up by Lee but Garcia rolls through, but Lee holds on and sinks in the Border City Stretch. Taylor gets dropped on the outside by Kyle as Garcia jackknifes Moriarty for the win.
Winner – Daniel Garcia
Megan Bayne vs Hyena Hera
Bayne is an absolute monster and definitely will be a star in no time if treated right. Hyena did not get a chance to get any defense in as Bayne just out powered her.
Winner – Megan Bayne
Mid-South Street Fight – Death Riders vs FTR
FTR attacks as Th Death Riders make their entrance through the crowd and here we go! Dax takes a garbage can to Moxley as Yuta baseball slides a ladder into Cash’s face by the ring. Dax lays into Moxley with a chair in the crowd and Moxley’s mouth is busted open. Yuta body slams Cash on the ladder at ringside! Moxley sets Dax up on a chair just to boot him off and gets a two count on the outside. Body slam with the chair by Yuta to cash in the ring. Two count. Moxley has a pair of plyers and goes for the nose of Dax as we go to commercial! We’re back and there’s some blood here. Moxley grabs the mysterious black bag, and it is thumbtacks. Moxley thinks about the Paradigm Shift on to the tacks, but Cash shoves him into the ropes and pops him up into a powerbomb… into the tacks! Cash and Yuta fight over a suplex but instead, Cash with a suicide dive onto the floor. Moxley with a Paradigm Shift on the floor! Moxley has plenty of tacks sticking out of his back, by the way. Dax fights out of a double superplex through a table and drops Yuta with a sheer drop brain buster! Moxley has some sort of oversized fishhook, and he goes low on Moxley, but Marina Shafir is here, and she does the same on Dax. Shafir jumps on the back of Dax and he takes her through the table! Moxley looks for a piledriver but Dax counters with a roll up of his own. Piledriver by Dax on a chair! Two count. Dax locks in the Sharpshooter. Moxley waves Claudio in, who breaks up the pin. Ace Crusher out of nowhere by Moxley and a curb stomp on a chair! Two count. It’s now 3 on 2, as they try to break the neck of Cash. Jay White and Cope are here! Cope takes out Moxley and FTR tries to set up the announcer’s table. Dax picks up Yuta and Cash jumps off the barricade with a spike piledriver through the table!
Winners – FTR
After the match, Moxley is by himself in the ring. Bladerunner by White! Shatter Machine! Spear! ConChairTo attempt but Claudio pulls Moxley to safety as we fade to black.
A strange episode of Collision. The ball really got rolling more in the second hour of the show. Harley Cameron is absolutely comedy gold and has been doing wildly to get herself over with the crowd. This show obviously suffered due to the injury sustained by Powerhouse Hobbs as well as a lot of the talent being set to appear on the Jericho Cruise.
Hello, I’m Scott aka RAZ. I’ve been an avid wrestling fan for over 30 years and have dabbled in both the world or pro wrestling and music. Previously commentated for Iron Fist Pro in South Australia, I now focus on more of the mainstream wrestling and run a few shows on YouTube where I breakdown the most recent happenings. Glad to be part of the team here at