Aussie Wrestling Superfan Sue Chuter Passes Away

Iconic Australian wrestling superfan Sue Chuter has sadly passed away. Attending events around Victoria regularly for decades Sue became a well known figure in the Australian wrestling community with fans, wrestlers and promoters.
In 2006 A documentary called ‘Lovestruck’ was released based on Sue’s real life obsession with wrestling. Writing for Andrew Lee gave an insight into the documentary and Sue’s life.
“Obsession is a tricky thing. On the one hand it costs you everything, on the other hand, it gives you everything. At least, that’s how it appears once you’ve seen it through the prism of Sue Chuter’s life. Her devotion to wrestling cost her a marriage and a daughter, not to mention the money spent on trips and tickets and memorabilia. But she’s surrounded by friends equally devoted, and a great many of the wrestlers love her dearly. She has a community to which she belongs. To most people she’d just be considered crazy, like people who dress up as Klingons for their wedding. But she seems far more alive than most of the somnambulists you see walking the street. Most people give the appearance that they don’t have anything much to live for. Sue has wrestling. Her passion ought to be envied rather than despised. And this film very gently shows us why.“
“She’s a fascinating person, and the beauty of this very short film is that in showing how remarkable she is, it reminds us that everyone is remarkable and deserving of our love and, importantly, our respect.” contributor Ken Dunlop said.. “l have known Sue for nearly 50 years, l was 14 or 15 going to Festival Hall and we met, she became friends with my whole family. I stayed at her home many times and she stayed at my house many times.”
Several Australian wrestling figures and personalities posted tributes and memories of Sue on social media…
“Australian wrestling loses an icon today with the passing of the legendary Sue Chuter.
A lifelong wrestling fan, Sue is actually responsible for me getting involved in Australian Wrestling in the first place – for which I will never forgive her. Vale Sue, now tape-trading bootleg wrestling shows in the afterlife, proudly showing everyone the Slammy that was personally gifted to her by Jerry The King Lawler, and angrily calling anyone she doesn’t like “a piece of shit.”
Thank you for introducing me to a world that would ultimately become such an enormous part of my life.” – Krackerjack
“RIP Sue Chuter. You certainly lived life your way. More stories than most Wrestling fans combined. We only ever spoke a few times but when we did, you always made me laugh. Ill always remember you being the life of the pre show QnA with Raven at an AWF event back in 2007. Rest easy ….” – Keiran ‘Duke’ Burns
“Rest in Peace Sue Chuter. Absolute legend.” – Joel Bateman
“R.I.P Sue Chuter.” – George Julio
“RIP Sue Chuter. My heart goes out to the VIC wrestling scene for losing a real gem who supported Australian Wrestling for decades!” – Michel Lee
“I stayed at Sue’s place a few times she was cool, so much wrestling memorabilia, I was down there wrestling when they were filming the love struck documentary about Sue. Psycho was her favourite wrestler and I think they were close friends. She was a character. Jerry Lawler gave her his Slammy award.” – Amy Action
“R.I.P Sue Chuter” – Vixsin
“Sad day for Ozrasslin with the passing of the iconic Sue Chuter. Last saw her a few years back when Wendy and I played the St Kilda festival. Sue was responsible for keeping a major number of WWF fans up to date with news and tapes when Ch 10 took Superstars off the air in the 90s ..Vale Sue” – Franky Valentine
“There was no more passionate wrestling fan and supporter in Australia. Vale Sue” – On The Turnbuckle Podcast
“Sue was a passionate supporter of Victorian Wrestling for many, many years. She will be missed greatly by the wrestling community. Her dedication and time was next to none.” – Andrew Stewart send out our condolences to Sue’s family and friends at this time.
#RIP Sue! I had the pleasure of meeting Sue way back in the day.